The 191-acre DeYoung Natural Area combines an historic farmstead with a mile of shoreline on Cedar Lake and serves as a gateway to the Leelanau County’s agricultural corridor. Recreation opportunities abound with the TART trail bisecting the land. A Universal Access trail (.5 mile) leads to a Cedar Lake fishing/viewing pier from the parking lot off Cherry Bend Road. The upland trail system (1.5 miles) winds around the historic farmstead and over a small stream and rolling hills with views of the farm and Cedar Lake. For the upland trail, the parking lot is located off of Strang Road.
What you can do here
ADA Accessible, Parking, Fishing, Birding, Hiking, Picnicing, Snowshoeing, Biking, Cross-Country Skiing, Plant Viewing, Scenic Viewing
Traverse City, MI 49684